Kind of a Boring Week

By Trisha
Well, Jarom is hunting this weekend and possible through the week. He just left this morning but I've been struggling already to not hibernate in our bedroom with the dogs. It doesn't help that I've had a horrible headache the last two days that will not go away.

It has been kind of a boring week, but more exciting than most. I met Jarom and his co-workers at BJ's for a luncheon on Monday. Our friend Tony (SSG Clark) and his family are headed to Pennsylvania. Thursday evening, we had them over for dinner and I got a couple cute picture of Aaron hugging Jarom's leg when he asked for the other remote control car. He wanted to play with both of them.

However, I did go out this afternoon and drove to Target. I had to get the Sex and the City movie. I have all the series DVDs so how could I not have the movie. I've waited a long time to see it. I wanted to see it when it was in theatres but it just never worked out. It was just as good as I knew it would be. I don't know why so many said it was disappointing. SPOILER ALERT!!!: I never thought a traditional wedding suited Carrie and definitely not Big.

I also had to buy the last book in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer "Breaking Dawn". At the rate I've been reading the series, I wanted to be sure I had the book before I finished the first three and not have to have a break in between.

This evening, I watched my movie and finished "What Happens in Vegas". Jarom and I started it last Monday and still have not finished it. We would sit down to watch it and something else would demand our attention, so we never finished it. It was funny and I loved it, too. I have my Reading List swap alomost done. I just got my partners this afternoon, so I was able to pick the right bookmark x-stitch design just today.

Saturday, I will work on both bookmarks and hopefully get both finished. they aren't complicated designs, like some of the ones I was looking at that I found online for free. I'm sure I will read too and I thought I'd take the dogs to the park. They would LOVE it!

Sunday, I just may venture out to church. Most likely I will go, but probably just for Sacrament--so keep your eyes peeled Elk Grove Chicas. I know I will read more and work on some Halloween bags. I pulled out my fabric bin and found some Halloween fabric that is just for Halloween treat bags complete with instructions. If those don't take too long, I will start some Christmas gifts, too. Most of Christmas will be made this year, we don't plan to buy much. As for the rest of the week, we'll see how it goes and when Jarom decides to come home. One day at a time.

Oh, yeah the job. I haven't heard anything yet. I did call Thursday but had to leave a message. I know things have been so busy with the high school trips this weekend and the origal assistant leaving, so hopefully I will hear something early next week. Keep you fingers crossed. I really want this job.

1 comment so far.

  1. kellynmaryweaver September 27, 2008 at 4:29 PM
    Trisha did you get my message? Would love to have you come up and spend time with us. We aregoing to the RS broadcast tonight. then Scrapbooking. Hope you are well, we will be in Elk grove on the eighteenth to watch the Hansen boys play soccer even Caleb is on a team now... Anyway maybe we can get together? mary

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