Jarom is Coming Early!!!! YAY!

By Trisha
Jarom is coming home early! He called yesterday afternoon to tell me that his class will graduate early-today and that he is flying out afterwards to come home. I'm so excited! What a nice gift and surprise for the dogs and me. His flight gets in just before 11pm, so it will be late, but at least I will have him home again and life can resume as normal.

My mom and dad will be here in a week. They are driving down from Oregon with my aunt and uncle on Thursday. Friday and Saturday, I have family driving up from Santa Cruz, too. It will be a lot of fun to have so many people here. I am very excited!

On another note, I think we are going to have to switch the dogs back to their old food-Eagle Pack. When we moved back, we couldn't find it so we switched them to Natural Balance and then Nutro. Poor Gus has had the craps pretty bad. So bad that it would make one think we had a real child in diapers around. I have to clean him up at least 3-4 times a week with wipes and baths are every other week now. I feel bad for him and for me. It almost made me sick last night. It was just all over him. Yuck! I think I washed my hands four times to get the stink off and then proceeded to take a shower.

My room is almost done. I just need Jarom to hang some more shelves for me so that I can put away my office supplies and help me put some of my storage containers on the top shelf in my closet. Oh, and put my books on the shleves below the t.v. I have in here. Maybe a few more pictures on the walls, as well.

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous August 15, 2008 at 12:27 PM
    Hi there, I found your profile online while trying to get some more information on ADHOCADVANCEMENT. I recently went to an interview at a place called Nicoco International. It was supposted to be an interview for a sales and Marketing position. After an intense interview I was asked back for a second interview. Which I was told would be a full day of being on scene and training with a top marketing specialist. I could not believe it. I ended up standing in front of a Quiznos all day selling T shirts for a so-called charity. This job was no way what I had expected. They initially said they work with big companies. Little did I know that consisted of asking if it is ok to stand out in front of Walmart. Anyhow, I am concerned that adhocadvancement might me a similar company. Can you please contact me back to let me know if it is even worth my time to go to this interview on Monday. I am good at marketing, but I do not wish to sell T shirts on the sidewalk. It sound like they have a very similar agenda when it comes to the training process. You have to work your way up to a asst manager then a manager in a period of about 6 to 9 months. They also stated that your first couple of weeks were at a base pay then after a few weeks it is strictly commission. Anyhow, please get back to me at your convenience. I would really appreciate any help or info/insight you may be able to offer me. Have a great day! By the way you can email me at hallyrodriguez@yahoo.com. Thanks again.

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