My Lovebug

By Trisha

I just got home from dropping Jarom off at the airport. It has been harder on me than I thought it would be. I was a military wife! I've been apart from him a lot longer than 6 weeks before, but I just can't seem to control my emotions this morning...even this week. My doctor wants to see me back just after Jarom is home to see how things are going. He is really happy with my progress and said that there was something very different about me than when we first met. He wants to see me back because he is afraid that I may fall back into my depression while Jarom is gone. I have to try and stay busy while he is gone and he told me to be sure to go out and have some fun. I do have plans to unpack and take the dogs to the dog park a few times and work on a couple wedding gifts...and read.

Jarom took me to dinner last night at Outback with some of his money we had on us. I got all dressed up and put on make-up, too. I really love my bareMinerals! It was a nice dinner and we had a nice relaxing evening. We relaxed in the bath tub where he gave me a back massage and I gave him one a little earlier in the evening. We spent the day lounging on the bed while Jarom did laundry and got his bags packed. He brought up some things for me to help me with my unpacking-like my cabinets for my craft room, and the other box of toiletries I asked him to bring up.

I'm actually very tired, but since I was up, I had a few things to do, so I thought I would update this blog and get my other tasks done. It will be an unporductive day for the most part, but I do have some things I need and want to get done.

1 comment so far.

  1. Celestia July 2, 2008 at 9:20 PM
    How long is Jarom gone for, I will see if I can get away for a night a do a girls night!

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