Jarom's Surgery

By Trisha
Jarom had his surgery on January 7th at Travis AFB and it went well. I was able to bring him home the day of the surgery. Right after he woke up in recovery, they wheeled him into his room and had him move from the surgery gurney to his bed on his own. Shortly after that they wanted to start him on liquids but he was hungry so he had a most wonderful hospital lunch, moved to the chair in his room and then took a walk around the wing.

The doctor was in around 1pm and was happy with Jarom's progress and so he prepared his discharge orders. We were home just before 5pm that night.

I was very protective the first week and still am a bit--folowing him up and down the stairs, helping him in and out of the chair, making sure he had medications when he was due. I still make sure he isn't trying to do too much or lift anything more than 10 pounds.

Jarom's incision is healing well and he is feeling better each day. We are both hoping that it continues in that direction. It isn't a big incision, but larger enough. The doctor went in and removed part of a bulging disc putting pressure on a nerve to help relieve back and hip pain, as well as pain that would shoot down his leg. The first four days meals were delivered to us and everything was so yummy. We are still eating on some of it.
The nasty bruise Jarom got where they tried to put in an I.V.

Jarom's incision covered with steri-strips

Jarom's incision after the steri-strips came off

2 comments so far.

  1. Natalie@Endless Crafting January 18, 2009 at 6:24 PM
    I am so glad that the surgery went well. I am sure you are glad that he is feeling better too. It was good to see you even for a short time. Let's do lunch sometime. :)
  2. kellynmaryweaver January 20, 2009 at 6:06 PM
    You Brat... We are like seriously 5 minutes from the Hospital...I can see it if I go down the street, wish you would have let me take care of you. Are you coming up for post op? Let me know we really want to take you guys out! PS glad he is doing well!

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